Friday, July 23, 2010

Breaking Into Pieces

Heroin was my love and my life, then reality slapped me in the face, which today I am absolutely grateful for. I have 61 days clean and let me tell you it was quite the roller coaster.  I took a felony for my actions and that day changed my life, all for the better!
An addicts brain remembers where it left off when sobriety began.  I will never forget that 20th day in May when the police came busting into the apartment where my supplier lived.  I never really hung out there often I usually just got my stuff and took off.  But for some reason my higher power was sending me a sign. I wouldnt figure this out until I became sober.  Anyways I was so loaded and decide to stay for a bit and then along came the raid as the three of us were completely nodding out on the couch. It still makes my stomach turn when I think about it, but that day saved my life.  Addiction is a powerful disease and it took me to a dark place for a long period of time, and the insanity of it all is that sometimes when I cant deal with life on life's terms I think about using, I guess that is just out of habit.  Its the whole process of it, preparing it and then finding a vein and watching the blood flow into the dark liquid in the syringe.  The rush of indescribable ecstasy and that right there is when my love affair with heroin began and game of pure Russian roulette.  Once the heroin would be totally injected it was only a few seconds that gives such exotic tingles and into a world of complete selfishness but an amazing feeling and that was that, I was hooked!  My body grabbed onto that delectable feeling and took over my life.
-This is Kate writing about my experience,strength and hope that maybe the still suffering addict can read and maybe it will be something that will hit home and encourage them to get help. have a good day, Kate

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