Thursday, July 22, 2010

a gift

Today is about being there for others. A 15-year-old brother of a friend is going to treatment because of Kate. She who has done so well in a short time of being sober is a role model for this boy. It's about her going with him and being there for him; she is giving and sharing. She needs that; he needs that. She gave him her NA book with inspirational quotes glued and written in some of the pages. Sober, she is the most giving individual; so considerate and caring of others. When she left with his family yesterday she gave me the book "Fall to Pieces" to read. Tucked inside was a note saying she loved me and to have a relaxing Saturday and see me when she got home. She hasn't done that sort of thing that used to come so natural to her before addiction. I am seeing a glimmer of the old Kate, the new Kate. She warns me the book is graphic; a story similar to hers and what she felt from the addiction standpoint. Depression makes it a rougher road to walk...but finally a couple of really caring physicians that understand and treat. That's part of the battle victory right there!

Each day a new quote with an inspirational message is posted on the refrigerator. I quickly do one that is in calligraphy; the next day hers is neatly printed on cardstock with embellishments! Wow! It is meaningful to her to step outside the proverbial box and create a cool quote. That makes me proud of her...seeing her take a task and make it her own; not take the shortest route and scribble something down on a scratch paper. We'll keep these; probably in her journal - a continual source of inspiration.

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